R. H. Sin
3 min readApr 17, 2018


This is a several part series of things men don’t want you to know and each part won’t be long, I’ll get straight to the point. No time in wasting the time of someone who might possibly be wasting their time on someone who doesn’t deserve any of that said time. This is me looking out for you because I care. This is me wanting to find happiness and joy. This is me reminding you of what you possibly already know. I’m hoping that with each part of this series, you’ll experience a sort of awakening that will drive you toward a path of peace.


You know what i’m talking about right? That almost seemingly random message that arrives to your phone when you’re down, lonely or not at your strongest to ignore that message. You know that moment where the guy who mistreats you, disrespects you and or refuses to acknowledge you in the way you wish…finally says something that makes your heart flutter, sending you a useless text that becomes useful in making you feel like you’re special to a person who has often made you feel insignificant.

I’ll be honest and maybe this will hurt but at least you’ll know if it should happen again. At least you’ll be prepared or have some sense of understanding as to why it happening to you because I know just before you respond to messages like this, right after that little high dies down and you begin to compose that response. You start to wonder why all of this now, why is he saying this now?

It’s not hard for guys to know what to say…movies and tv, music as well has done a good job at teaching women what to want and what to believe in as far as love goes but at the same time in teaching women, these forms of media have created a slew of losers who learn what to express in order to win over a woman that they don’t deserve.

He doesn’t miss you. They rarely do. Here’s how it happens, time goes on and who ever they left you for begins to bore them or maybe you’ve just begun to move on and they’ve noticed it and so that message arrives somehow on time when in all honesty, it should have been too late. That message arrives just in time to force you further into confusion. It always arrives late at night, when the mind is most vulnerable. The perfect time for the mind to believe in an illusion and so begins this delusion of thinking that they were somehow thinking about you when in truth, that “ I MISS YOU “ is simply a tool of manipulation but maybe you know this already. Maybe this has already happened to you or maybe you’ve experienced it several times. Maybe it hasn’t yet and hopefully these words will keep you from a cycle of disappointment and or heartache. The worst thing about it is that most times, that same “ I MISS YOU “ is not only sent to you in that moment but also several other women but we won’t go into that right now…we’ll explore this truth in part two…

Pay attention to the actions of man instead of the words they abuse. The truth is in all that they do, focus on that.

Thanks For Reading… (follow this newsfeed to be notified about part two…)

